Our time is limited here, its the work which stays.

P-Magic is the fastest growing pet essentials brand in India. Viral social media reach and Video Marketing with Vidaa of the pet brand gets a reach of millions in India within 2 months.

Bayfront Capital Advisors is a capital advisory firm. Engaged with us for the last 1.5 years, we take care of the web and digital advertising for the firm

Vouch Pro is a leading Virtual Events Platform which provides an immersive experience for conducting virtual and hybrid events.

Vidaa was responsible for widespread implementation of Tarent in K-4 schools across North India. Vidaa organised outdoor events for schools and parents with activities that resonated with Tarent’s motto.

The Billbergia is a growing D2C skincare and grooming brand for which we are managing the webstore, social media and consulting for sales across marketplaces.

Everything with your booze and highs, at one place. Barfecto is the fastest growing online marketplace platform for your drinking needs in India.

IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur developed Air Purifier Company. Vidaa Crunch has helped them with their branding and soon shall help establish their digital presence.

Fresh for Paws is a leading pet food brand which has been a client of Vidaa Crunch since inception. We have helped them grow with our branding and advertising

Daily Fuels is a growing D2C snack brand for the Generation Z. Their unique product range and delicious snacks with our strategy has put it to where it is today!

3D Theming prints anything from a bobble-head to a house. With Vidaa's 3D out of the box campaigns (literally), the brand now boasts a gross revenue in millions.

This was just a brief.

Vidaa is a lot more
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and counting continues...